Andy H.
Added 18.7.2022 15:04.39
Hi, I would like to say a few words about the Vitistop product. I started using protopik last year, but not very regularly. Anyway, the results are visible for me
mainly on my face, there are small spots on my back (see photo), small dots started to form in my armpits and décolleté, and the white dots started to disappear on my hands and feet, the vitiligo stabilized. Unfortunately, I haven't been taking photos since the beginning.
In any case, the biggest changes were initiated by Vitistop gel, after the first application
and subsequent sunburn (not nice), my skin started to repigment beautifully. So, I
took this miracle with me to the sea, where I applied it every morning and used lamp
for 5 days in a row,10-15 minutes each. The spots on my back have shrunk a bit in
such a short time, the spot in my armpit has shrunk by another bit, and actually, spots
appear on all the places where I have vitiligo, including the backs of my hands. I
purposely did not use protopic during that time, so I attribute this recovery only to
vitistop. Thus, vitistop is perfect for me, it gives me hope that one day I will be almost
or completely free of spots. I will definitely try to support my vitiligo with Vitistop tablets...
Have a great time and I keep my fingers crossed for your repigmentation too!